Effective post-operative rehabilitation by experienced practitioners

Are you looking to give yourself the best chance of recovering with the results you want following surgery? Our team at Allsports Therapy regularly work closely with patients before and after their operations to help ensure they regain great function and to help reduce the pain and weakness that can limit recovery.

  • No waiting lists – fast appointments to get you seen quickly
    (Can be seen whilst waiting for NHS appointment)
  • Longer appointment times to ensure thorough and effective diagnosis/treatment
  • Highly experienced and trusted therapists
  • On-site gym and studio to assist rehabilitation
  • We treat the local community through to elite athletes
  • Direct contact with your Therapist to ensure you are fully supported
  • 5 star customer feedback on our treatments and service

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Post-operative rehabilitation at Allsports Therapy

When recovering from surgery you’ll want support from a professional who is supportive, motivating and has experience in looking after others who have had surgeries similar to yours. Our Therapists are trained in a variety of settings and utilise skills developed over years of experience. We believe in a multidisciplinary approach, therefore our team regularly communicate with other healthcare professionals, including the surgeons themselves, to help ensure you are receiving optimum care.

Recovering from surgery is a big deal. You would have had it/be wanting it in order to improve your quality of life by either reducing the pain you’re getting, or improving function of the effected region. You will have an idea of goals you would like to achieve following surgery and it’s important you have someone working with you to guide you as to how to achieve them. Give yourself the best chance of optimising your recovery by arranging post-operative rehabilitation.


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Here are a couple of commonly seen surgeries:


Is an ever increasing surgical procedure with 110,000 in the UK in 2018, it is normally carried out between the ages of 60-80 years old. After surgery patients have reported a decrease in pain and increase range of motion. There are several different approaches as explained.

Resurfacing- This is a bone conserving approach and tends to be used for younger patients before later having a total hip replacement. (This is what Andy Murray had this year). It may not be suitable for those over 65 or post menopausal women as there is a chance of weaker bone.

The surgeon will reshape the head of the femur to allow a metal cap to be place on which will have a small post and then a cup into the acetabulum.

Total Hip Arthroplasty

The type and shape of stem is dependent on age, bone quality and surgeon preference. It involves a cup, liner (polyethylene or ceramic), stem and head (metal or ceramic).  The stem may be cemented in situ dependant on bone quality and stem used.  The cup is usually uncemented and has a special coating which under a micro scope looks like tiny needles, this makes the cup sticky so holds in the acetabulum. It also allows for blood to cover the whole posterior aspect of the cup so get better bone growth around the cup making it part of your pelvis.


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Total Knee arthroplasty has been increasing with 70,000 knee replacement operations carried out each year in the UK, of this number four out of five of them in women.   There are over 150 different knee implants available and preference is dependent on surgeon, bone/ ligament quality and patient activity level. The most common designs are made from metal (titanium or stainless steel) and plastic (ultra high-density polyethylene).

Uni-compartmental Knee Arthroplasty (UKA)

This is where one part of the knee is replaced as the other part is not showing signs of wear.  This is normally done before needing a total knee replacement later on, but research has shown it can last 20 years. 90% of UKA’s are on the medial side with 10% on the lateral side.

Total Knee Arthroplasty (TKA)

This can be split into 2 sub categories

Cruciate retaining: This means the surgeon will keep your own ACL and PCL because they are in good condition, this is beneficial as the knee will have normal kinematics, proprioception, stability and feel more like the native knee.   It also prevents anterior translation of the femur on the tibia.

Posterior stabilising: This is used if the cruciate ligaments are missing or poor quality and the surgeon will remove the remnants of the ACL and PCL.  To make sure there is stability in the knee the polyethyline insert (the white bit in the picture)  has a post at the back of it which moves within a groove on the femoral component.  This acts like the PCL and prevents anterior translation of the femur on the tibia.


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If the native ligament has ruptured there are several different options which the surgeon can use:

Autograft: This is harvested from yourself, really commonly used for ACL reconstruction and tends to be Gracillis or Patella tendon.

Allograft: This is either harvested from a cadaver or animal, this tends to be used if it cannot be guaranteed a good harvest size or quality from the patient or in multi ligament cases which the surgeon just can’t harvest enough.  E.g PCL, LCL and PLC.

Synthetic: Becoming increasingly popular in multi ligament cases where the surgeon needs to reconstruct several ligaments at the same time. E.g. PCL, PLC and LCL.  The synthetic ligament is made of Polyethylene Terephthalate strands which are woven together.  This allows fluid to flow between the strands and fibroblast ingrowth meaning over time it becomes part of the native tissue.


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Why choose Allsports Therapy as your go-to clinic

Tailored to you

Treated by Skilled Therapists

Our Therapists are experienced in manual therapy, massage therapy and exercise therapy

Skilled therapists

Hands-on Approach

Our Therapists attain vital information from their assessments and get great outcomes by providing a hands-on approach

Feeling whole lot better

Thorough Post-Operative Rehabilitation

We want to help you achieve your goals, in the short term & long-term.

To book an appointment or speak to our clinical lead, please call us on

07515 174 462

(Monday to Friday 7am to 7pm, Saturday 8am to 1pm)

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What our customers say...

Our Post-operative rehabilitation fees

We’re confident you won’t find the same level of service at a better price

Our experienced team apply proven and effective techniques to help you get back to full fitness safely, as soon as possible. We are confident you’ll find our range of treatment modalities a cost-effective way to get better quickly.

Post-operative rehabilitation

Initial Consultation (up to 60 minutes) £65.00

Follow up Treatment (30 – 45 minutes) £55.00

Post-operative rehabilitation FAQs

This is not always an easy answer and often depends on the practitioner rather than the profession. For musculoskeletal conditions, both Physiotherapists and Sports Therapists provide full assessments to assist in understanding your condition whilst then providing appropriate interventions and prevention strategies.

At Allsports Therapy, our Sports Therapists and Physiotherapist work much the same. You can expect to be treated in the same way, using similar techniques and expect similar outcomes.

Please get in touch if you are unsure who you need to see and we will discuss with you your options. Some of our team members have specialisms that are suited to certain types of injuries or populations and therefore you may be recommended to one of them based on their skill set.

Absolutely! We aim to put you in control of your condition. It is imperative that your therapist helps you to understand the reasons as to why you have the pain you do and will guide you on specific strategies to help optimise your recovery.

Please ensure you work closely with them as the key to overcoming your condition will be a combination of their treatment along with your adherence to the advice and guidance.

Our patients are all self-funding. There are a number of reasons as to why we tend not to take on referrals from private medical insurers, which we would be happy to discuss with you.

We are more than happy to issue receipts following your appointment, upon receipt of payment, should you wish to claim this back through various means.

We accept payment in the form of card, cash, cheque or BACS transfer.